Propel Your Success! Accelerate Towards Dell Gold Partner Status in the Dell Partner Program

Modern Workplace Published 14th March 2024

Dell Authorised Are you ready to elevate your partnership with Dell to new heights and gain Gold Partner status? As the technology landscape evolves, Dell remains committed to empowering its partners and fostering growth opportunities. With the Dell Partner Program leading the charge, partners like you have an unparalleled chance to excel in the industry and achieve Gold Partner status.

Understanding the Dell Partner Program:

Understanding the Dell Partner Program

Propel Your Success! Accelerate Towards Dell Gold Partner Status in the Dell Partner Program

The Dell Technologies Partner Program is structured to reward and maximize your profitability when you commit and invest in the Program. As you grow your Dell Technologies Partner Program revenue and complete training competencies, Dell will reward you through tier promotions and increased rebate eligibility.

Understanding the Dell Partner Program

Client +, Server+ and Storage+ Base rebates and Multiplers require a corresponding Portfolio Competency. Partners must separately hold the Dell APEX Infrastructure competency for APEX Upfront incentive eligibility.
Services and Acquisition rebates and eMDF do not require an aligned Competency for elibility.

What requirements do I need to reach to become a Dell Gold Partner in 2025?

To become a metal tiered partner in the 2025 Dell Technologies Partner Program you must meet the Training competency and Revenue requirements by January 31, 2025.

Minimum revenue and competency requirements consist of the total of your combined revenue and training completion across the current Solution Provider, Cloud Service Provider and OEM Solutions

Changes to the minimum services requirement for 2025

If you’re working towards achieving Gold Partner status in the Dell Technologies Partner Program 2025 then there have been some changes to the minimum services revenue, for Gold partners this has increased from $50k to $70k.

Reminder! To meet the Gold partner requirements you need to add Dells extended warranty ProSupport service to every one of your customers’ hardware purchases.

Our current promotions can help propel you to Gold Status

Already started your path to Gold journey? Make the most of our promotions across the Dell portfolio and start reaching your revenue targets today!

Don’t forget to add ProSupport & ProDeploy to meet your minimum services revenue target.

Buy now

Need Advice?

Need advice on how to meet your requirement targets? Leave your details below and our team will be in contact with you to discuss your path to Gold.