Partners that follow Security Practice Builder path grow faster

Author: TD SYNNEX Newsflash Published: 1st November 2024

The Security Practice Builder, which enables partners to follow a tailored path of enablement and business development, fully supported by the TD SYNNEX’s expert team, has been gaining momentum with around 30 partners now actively following their own developmental journeys and seeing well above average rates of sales growth.

► Curated journey provided for every engaged business

► Partners grow sales by adding new vendor lines

Many partners have been on the Practice Builder methodology for several months and in some cases as long as 18 months, and seeing positive gains as a result, said Amy Lindberg, business development manager – cybersecurity.

Partners that follow Security Practice Builder path grow faster

‘Every partner is different and on their own individual journey that we’ve curated with them. All those businesses are benefiting and many are growing their security sales much faster than a typical security partner. The methodology is working and it’s delivering good results.’

Various metrics are used to track and measure the success of the Security Practice Builder and one of the most telling indicates that over the past year these partners have added at least one additional security vendor to their portfolio. Many more are being enabled and this is one of the simplest ways of approaching Practice Builder, said Amy Lindberg.

‘By identifying a vendor line that is complementary or adjacent to something a partner already sells, we can be fairly sure of achieving a ramp-up in sales. And once a partner has on-boarded one vendor, can re-engage with the process to bring another on stream. In that sense, it’s a never-ending journey, it’s simple, efficient and it works. “

If you would like to learn more about the Security Practice Builder, please click on the link below to contact the TD SYNNEX Security Practice team.

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