TD SYNNEX continues with successful innovative program to support ISV growth

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Author: TD SYNNEX Newsflash Published: 23rd December 2024

Last year TD SYNNEX launched a dedicated program focused on supporting Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), with the aim to foster their growth and expansion. This initiative, spearheaded by Marianne Gilmour-Smith in the UK, specifically targets ISVs and addresses their unique needs, which differ significantly from those of the typical Managed Service Providers (MSPs).

Sandrijn Stead
Sandrijn Stead, CEO of Capametrix

In an exciting development, TD SYNNEX has partnered with Capametrix, a leading ISV. In a newly released video, Sandrijn Stead, CEO of Capametrix, shares his insights and experiences working with TD SYNNEX, highlighting the positive impact this collaboration has had on his business.

Stead mentions key factors that make this partnership beneficial, emphasising the importance of having instant access to experts, engaging with communities, and leveraging innovations in AI. He describes the relationship as a "true partnership," reflecting TD SYNNEX's commitment to understanding and complementing their partners' offerings.

To gain a deeper understanding of how TD SYNNEX supports ISV partners and app developers, and to hear firsthand from Sandrijn Stead, watch the featured video now.

Watch this video to learn more

Stay tuned for more updates on how TD SYNNEX continues to drive innovation and support in the ISV community.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the team.

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