NetApp ASA promotion to run until October

TD SYNNEX is running a special promotion on NetApp ASA – All-flash San Arrays – to encourage more partners to spread the word about the benefits of these fast, efficient, secure and sustainable storage solutions and help them maximise their opportunities to drive sales and maximise profits.

► Promotion will run until the end of October

► Ideal for mission-critical applications storage

The ASA promotion offers partners additional rebates and margins and will be available until the end of NetApp’s Q3 in October 2024, giving you plenty of time to reap the rewards.

NetApp ASA solutions provide customers with speed, efficiency, security, sustainability, and cloud integration. They offer a simplified and consistent SAN experience for mission-critical databases and other workloads and with ‘four nines’ uptime guaranteed, they are ideal for key applications and easy to deploy and manage.

Their power consumption is 70% lower over the product lifecycle, making them both energy- and cost-efficient. They also provide excellent ransomware recovery with a guaranteed restore capability to ‘snapshot’ data in the event of an attack. Additionally, NetApp’s comprehensive ONTAP One software for data services provides industry-leading replication capabilities, the ability to backup and tier to the cloud, application-integrated data protection, and more.

For further information, contact the NetApp team by clicking on the link below.

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